My MLH-Local Hack day: Share experience

Sriya Venkateshan
2 min readApr 3, 2021


Local Hack Day: Share

I am a person with immense curiosity to learn new technologies and develop stuff. But I never knew about community bonding, sharing ideas with like minded people. Participating in a hackathon is a completely new experience for me. This year I went ahead and joined the Local Hack Day: Share since it was virtual and its my first MLH hack.

Being a student, I feel stressed about my skills in this competitive world and wanted to take a break and experience socializing virtually. What’s the best thing of taking part in a hackathon? — You feel great and relieved by interacting with your folks! You get a chance to make new friends, share music, share pets, and take pride in your guilds:)✌.

I think “MLH Local Hack Day: Share” and my guild “EddieHub” gave me the best hackathon experience. I’ve got many first-times here, I started to realize the importance of personal branding, learnt about Open Source. I created my Twitter account(I never had it before😅), submitted my first project to Devpost, Learned how to use GitHub, collaborate and code, used different tools and API’s I was never aware of, and writing my first blog. Honestly, I didn’t do much coding, but I got to know different ways to code and learn to code. Overall, it was a brand new experience for me and looking forward to more such hacks😊🍉

